120 reperti, da 21 musei internazionali, volti a descrivere
nascita e sviluppo nella Grecia Antica
di uno dei temi che da sempre affascinano
e rapiscono il pensiero dell'uomo:
il fato dell'anima immortale
dopo la fine fisica del corpo mortale.
Al Museo dell'Arte Cicladica
ad Atene.
'BEYOND. Death and Afterlife in Ancient Greece'
at The Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens
The Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, in collaboration with the Onassis Foundation (USA) and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports, presents a fascinating exhibition titled “Beyond. Death and Afterlife in Ancient Greece” which is scheduled to run from December 11 until February 8, 2015.
Through 120 objects from 21 Greek and international museums, the exhibition explores one of the most important issues that puzzled and continues to concern humans: the fate of the immortal soul after the death of the mortal body.
The descriptions in the Homeric epics of the underworld as they were depicted on ancient works of different periods is the starting point of this exhibition.
As epilogue, the Platonic concepts –which mark the shift of perceptions on the divine element– both as development and in contrast to the Homeric beliefs.
The show will be divided into 5 thematic sections:
- The moment of death,
- Burial Customs,
- Homeric Hades,
- Bacchic-Orphic Hades and
- Platonic Hades.
Source: Museum of Cycladic Art
[December 10, 2014]