Forgeries 'used to fund terror'
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Examples of the seized forgeries and accompanying false documentation are on private display at the Victoria and Albert museum, west London. The trade in fake art in Britain as a whole is worth up to £200m a year.
"Archaeological stuff is being exported by the tonne load from Middle Eastern countries. If the money goes back into criminality, some will inevitably end up in the hands of terrorists," he added. The Investigation of Fakes and Forgeries exhibition is designed to show art experts the methods used by forgers to fool investigators.
The forgery was so expertly done that the buyer was able to sell it on again for a 300% profit. According to police, art forgery is increasingly being used to finance operations by criminal networks with continually evolving techniques. But Det Sgt Rapley, head of the Metropolitan Police's Arts and Antiques Unit, said: "As quickly as criminals are adapting their techniques we are also developing ways to eliminate this type of crime."
Scotland Yard are considering opening the private exhibition to the public next year.
Almeno questo motivo non sembra esser presente, per il momento, in Sardegna: un pensiero consolante. |
L'uomo percepisce l'ambiente attraverso i cinque sensi. Inoltre, possiede una percezione particolare - che è quella del tempo - che non è solamente un adattamento automatico al clima, all'irradiazione solare ed alla stagione (come in alcuni altri animali) bensì è la capacità critica di percepire il trascorrere del proprio tempo biologico, nell'ambiente.Di tutto questo vorrei parlare, per i primi 150 anni: poi, forse patteggeremo su quale prossimo argomento discorrere insieme